So I once again fell off the blogging wagon. Just busy and lazy I guess. I have heard other friends talk about there blogs, and looked at my own lately. When it comes down to it, this is as close as I am going to get at keeping a journal. I love looking back and seeing things that have happened, some of which I would not remember that well without the blog to look back on. So I am going to get caught up and keep this up better. I have missed plenty over the past 9 months. Here's to not missing another 9.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Where to begin...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Moser's House
We made a trip to visit my friend Lisa and her kiddo, Rece, for an afternoon. She is so good to always have a fun project for the kids to do to keep them entertained and busy. This time, appropriately, they made gingerbread houses. They may have eaten more candy than they decorated with. They had a great time building though. Here are the builders about to get started.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas vacation rock climbing
The kids have come to expect that my dad will take them rock climbing when we go to Oregon. This trip Bryan and Kyle tagged along. These first two pictures where taken by Bryan, I think, of the kids starting their climbs.
At some point during their visit to the gym Kate appointed herself photographer. The rest of these pictures are a glimpse at the 20 some she took. I guess it is nice to see things from her point of view.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Temple Square

Living so close, it just makes good sense to take a trip down to Salt Lake to see the Christmas lights. We went on a week night so it was not to busy. Nice. You may not be able to tell buy our overly bundled outfits, but it was unseasonably not to cold that night. Double nice. We had a great time walking around seeing the Nativities and lights. Then we went and got a yummy dinner at Famous Dave's on the way back up to Logan. What a fun way to kick off the holiday season!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
For the week of Thanksgiving we went to Washington. Our first stop was Kennewick to meet our new niece Emma and go to her blessing. She is the most darling little thing! It was so great to finally meet her since we have been hearing about how great she is for a while.
Here is Bry with our kids and Emma.
Cute Emma.
Bryan with his sister Brittany and Emma.

From Kennewick we headed to Yakima just in time for the snow. Here is Ian wishing he could go out in the snow.

Kate went out to watch/help Grandpa Dan shovel some snow.

Jake and Kate both spent a lot of time building with Legos making things like this:

We also had a little birthday party for Ian and Kate while we were there. There were a lot of people around so I think Ian was a little overwhelmed. He did not really get into the cake eating like we thought he might. The rest of us did enjoy Aunt Shae's cupcakes though.

Kate and Ian climbing all over their cousin Wes.
Brave Hunter

First Aggie game
We have lived here in Logan for a lot of years, but the kids and I have never been to an Aggie football game before. Bryan has made it a time or two, maybe with his other family. Some friends got some tickets and invited us to go with. It was a great weather, especially for November, so we took them up on the offer.
Here we are just arriving.
In our seats.

The band