Sunday, November 05, 2006

The after-effects of Phobia Factor

There were a few adverse effects from my competition in Phobia Factor. First, I vomited a color I have never vomited before. Even worse though, I had some allergic reaction. We are thinking it had something to do with the pigs feet/legs, but we aren't sure. Regardless, immediately after I was done with the event my eyes were red and swollen and I couldn't talk because my throat and vocal cords were swelling up. After I threw up that got better though. Once we got home I showered (as proof by this picture) to try to wash whatever was on my body off. It didn't work too well though because I had hives from head to toe and was red all over. So we visited the InstaCare and I got a shot of steroids in my right butt-cheek. Additionally I will be on some steroid pills until Thanksgiving. All is good though and my stomach is feeling good and my breath is getting back to normal, or in other words, not so cat-like.


Anonymous said...

BOY AM I GLAD YOU'RE NOT ALWAYS GOING TO LOOK LIKE THIS!!! Seriously though, I hope you feel better soon. How is the itching? You're a brave man, and a rich one too!

the McLaughlin's said...

The itching is all under control. Yes, brave I am, as well as rich...that is, rich with blessings:)

The Bluths said...

You should sue them, unless you had to sign some stuff. It doesn't look as professional as the real fear factor, so I'm not surprised you got sick from it. No-sleeve shirts are really sexy on guys.

the McLaughlin's said...

Yeah, it's not as professional as the real Fear Factor because it is a used car lot doing it rather than NBC. The no-sleeve shirt was my idea. I changed into it once I saw that we were going to be getting wet. Everyone else had big black plastic bags over their coats (it was really cold outside), which didn't help them from getting wet to begin with. Lastly, this country is already too sue-happy and I'm just fine.