Thursday, April 08, 2010


This will not be in any type of order really, but here is a little of what we have done in the last few months...

These two got to hunt for Easter eggs a few times.

They like to sort their candy. They get that from their dad.

Kate slept in a Christmas dress in March.

Bry and the kids built this robot.

I went to lunch with these cute girls. We were roommates at Ricks, oh so many years ago. Sure love them!

Jake came home from school with a math packet. Kate wanted one. Here is one of the pages from his packet.

Here is the one he made for her. What a nice brother.

Kate worked her fashion magic. Nice belly kid.
We had a fun Valentines day with these two.
We went to a fun Superbowl party and cheered for the Saints. That's why they have the beads. Bry had them from his mission.
Kate played with Ian...a lot...if he liked it or not.
Jake built this "transformer" out of blocks. I think he thinks it is pretty cool.
Maybe now I will stay caught up better...maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love all the cute pictures, Ian is getting so big and I loved the video of him talking and talking. Can't wait to see you all again. Kate is either a talented dancer or Karate student, couldn't really tell. Jake sure had fun out in the snow. I love the little chart he made for Kate, sweet guy!