Here is a short video of some velociraptors in action. They seriously look real.
Good times. Great times.
Here is a short video of some velociraptors in action. They seriously look real.
Good times. Great times.
When we got the bins out to put away all the holiday decor the kids found a bag of Easter eggs that had snuck their way into the Christmas stuff. Jake asked if he could play with them which turned into more fun than I thought. Both the kids had a great time hiding them and hunting for them. Bryan and I even got in on the fun. The problem with a 4 year old hiding the eggs is that he does not always remember where they are. Once the eggs were retired to the bin for a couple months until the actual Easter holiday, the eggs keep showing up. The fun continues...
So here are our holidays in a nut shell. We had Christmas all by ourselves here in Logan this year. The kids and I decorated cookies to help pass the time on Christmas eve. That night we had our traditional (kind of) dinner of cheese zombies, tomato soup, and eggnog punch. Yum. Then off to open presents. Jake was about to explode from the anticipation so we let him take care of his present opening business while the rest of us got a turn here and there. We spent the rest of the night playing with the loot and then put cookies out and off to bed. We got to sleep until 7ish before Jake was up ready to see what Santa brought. We decided to let Kate sleep while Jake dug in to his stocking and started opening presents. Kate's sleeping did not last long with all the excitement flying around in the front room, so she joined us for the fun. We spent the rest of the day being lazy! Playing with toys, snacking on treats and watching movies was about it. We did make it over to the Huffakers for dinner and hanging out for the evening which is always a good time.
Bry worked the day after Christmas and that night when he got home we headed down to Salt Lake for a few days to see my parents and attend my cousin's wedding festivities. My kids were soooo excited to see "dapa, dapa"(grandpa and grandma) as Kate calls them. Bry and I were excited to see them too but we seem to take a back seat these days, wonder why? We had a great time seeing a lot of family from my side and getting to see the lights at temple square, even if it was already after Christmas. Then we headed back to Logan and spent a day with my bro Tyler and his wife Janna and my parents playing games and hanging out. Everyone headed home the next day and we were back to life as usual.
New Years was so exciting...or not. We had great relaxing plans. We took the kids out to a little diner for burgers and fries. Fun. Stopped by the grocery store for treats to ring in the new year with. Fun. Came home and put the kids to bed and started our movie marathon. Fun. Bry and I both fell asleep on the couch by 10:30 and woke up a little before 2 a.m. to head to bed. Fun? Well we were well rested if nothing else. Then we spent new years day putting away Christmas decor and sorting through our 72 hour kits. The fun never stops with us! And there you go. Our holiday season in a nutshell. We really do feel blessed to have such a great family near and far, and who knows maybe we will venture out and about next year for the holiday season.