Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Cheer

So bright

Even though it is still dark out side when she wakes up, if there are lights on in the house, Kate says it is too bright. She comes out of her room with her hands over her eyes and gets her sunglasses on.
Here she is getting the butter out of the fridge for her toast.
Bread next.
Now she is ready to show her sleepy eyes.
Funny girl.

Pumpkin Walk 2009

Last Friday we headed to the North Logan Pumpkin Walk. Always a good time. Here are a few of the highlights. Kids in cutouts, pumpkins made to look like all sorts of stuff, and some pretty good cookies and cheese sticks.


It was kind of short, but we did have fall this year. Here are the kids with a buddy enjoying the leaves. It is crazy how much fun can be had in a pile of leaves.

Boo at the Zoo 2009

I guess this might become a tradition. For those who don't remember, at our little local zoo they have crafts and games for kids to play each year around Halloween. The kids had a great time but it was a bit colder than last year. Bry got to come with us this year which makes everything more fun. He was pretty into the scavenger hunt. He found all the right stuff and earned smarties for the whole family. Good family fun.
Here is Bry with the kids, blonde snow white and Wolverine, getting started.

Jake was not wanting to get his picture taken that day so here is Kate with George and the man in the yellow hat.

Posing with "Frank Einstein" as Kate called him.

Kate catching some air at the gymnastic station.

A boy and his tape

He got 12 rolls in the mail. What a happy day.

They really are friends

I came in to the living room from doing breakfast dishes and found this:
every dragon needs a baby right? I think he mostly agreed to be her baby because that is the seat he usually sits in when he watches morning cartoons. If she would not move that is as close as he could get. If you look close you can see her hand rubbing his head. So sweet.

The greatest show on earth!

Mid September we got to go down to Salt Lake to see The Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. They call it "the greatest show on earth". I have to admit it was a lot of fun, but that is quite a claim to make:) We all had a great time but unfortunately the camera did not work so well for the actual show because it was so dark. The kids ate tons of candy and watched all sorts of animals and acrobats. A good time was had by all.

Jake was so excited to go but he looks more tortured in this picture.

The fam before the show.

A blurry but action packed shot of the opening of the show.

Seriously, that hair!

Almost every morning Kate wakes up with a rats nest in her hair. Isn't it cute?! It is a good thing she wakes up so happy otherwise I might never let her out of her room.

23 hours in I.F.

Back on Labor day we wanted to get out of town, but because of work and church commitments we could not get out of town until Sunday afternoon. We headed up to Idaho Falls(I.F. for those who have lived close by:) for a night to stay with Tyler and Janna. We had a yummy dinner, played games, had yummy breakfast, and went to the surprisingly great Idaho Falls Zoo. The only pics we took were at the zoo, so that is all you get to see.
Ty being a nice uncle and hauling Kate around on his shoulders.
Kate on the tiger.

Jake on the tiger. In his had is a map of the zoo that we got when we arrived at the zoo. He held onto it the ENTIRE time we were there and was always good to let me know where on our map that we were. Such a help:)
Kate on the lion.
We did actually look at animals and not just at the kids the whole time. Check out those huge tortoises!
By the time we finished at the zoo, stopped for lunch, packed up our stuff, and took off we had been there for less than a day. Sad to have to go so soon, but fun while it lasted. We will have to go again sometime, for a little longer next time:)

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Jake's first day of school

Jake started Kindergarten on August 31st. His teacher's name is Mrs. Schmidt, which proved a bit tough to figure out how to say at first, but he has picked it up pretty well since. He's looking like such a big kid these days. We went to parent/teacher conference last week and Mrs. Schmidt had lots of good things to say about Jake. He is one of the best listeners in class, has a really good vocabulary, is respectful, and a good worker.

Bryan's Top of Utah Half Marathon run 2009

This is Bryan finishing up the Top of Utah Half Marathon, which he ran on August 29th. As a side note we had our 8-year anniversary on August 16th, but we didn't take any pictures. It was fun though and we spent much of the night trying to figure out how 8 years has already passed. Bryan's report on running the 13.1 mile race is as follows. The first 7-8 miles were great, miles 8-11 sucked, and miles 11-13.1 were okay. He wants to run a half marathon again and a full marathon someday too, but he has not committed to when either of those will happen. Here are some other pictures from after the race too.