Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Lakes are leaving and we're leaving the Lakes

These are our friends Matt Jessie and Molly(Lake is their last name by the way). During our time here in the Medford area we have spent A LOT of time with them. Doing everything from watching reality tv (mostly me and Jessie:), watching movies, lame attempts at game nights, and making dinner together a crazy amount of the time, we always enjoy these guys. They are now gone for the summer to Texas and by the time they get back we will be moved to Utah. So sad to say good bye but can't wait to be neighbors some day!

For some the farewell was emotional,

but mostly we just are so happy to have them as our friends. We will miss you guys and can't wait to see you soon!

I just thought this was cute of the three boys. Jake looks so tiny.


Lakes are Great said...

this will come as no surprise to you that this is by far my favorite post! See ya in a week.

The Bluths said...

You guys make me laugh, Kate's smile is so funny!

Julie said...

What? you guys are moving back-Yea! And yes we will run a race together if all goes well at this one :) Did you run a full marathon last week or what did you do?

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your playlist!

Cousin Kem in Texas!